
Host Intrusion and Detection System


Host Intrusion and Detection System (HIDS)

WhizHack HIDS solution uses advanced analytics, machine learning, and rule-based algorithms to detect anomalies, patterns, and potential threats in the collected data. The system generates alerts or notifications when it detects suspicious activities that may require immediate attention or investigation. It has a remediation module that can quarantine the infected host using a firewall.

About HIDS

Host Intrusion and Detection System

The main benefits include enhanced visibility into an organization's security posture, improved Incident detection and response capabilities, compliance with security regulations, and the ability to track and analyze security incidents over time for continuous improvement. It has been designed to collect event data from various sources like endpoints, network devices, cloud workloads, and applications for broader security coverage. By providing a centralized and holistic view of an organization's security landscape, WhizHack HIDS helps organizations identify and mitigate security risks effectively.



Ransomware Detection

Provides real-time monitoring and anomaly detection to swiftly identify and halt ransomware attacks, safeguarding critical data and systems.

Vulnerability Detection

Scans for weaknesses in system configurations and software, enabling proactive patching and mitigation to fortify against potential exploits and breaches.

Security Log Analysis

Parses and analyzes system logs to detect suspicious activities and security incidents, facilitating swift response and investigation to mitigate risks effectively.

Security Configuration Assessment (SCA)

Evaluates system configurations against best practices and security policies, ensuring adherence and minimizing vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.

Regulatory Compliance

Aids in meeting regulatory requirements by continuously monitoring and documenting security controls, helping organizations demonstrate compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Alerting and Notification

Promptly alerts security teams of potential threats and breaches through customizable notifications, enabling rapid response and mitigation to minimize the impact on the organization's infrastructure and data.


Malware Detection

Monitors host systems for signs of malicious software, such as viruses, worms, and trojans, by analyzing file system changes, process activities, and system calls

File Integrity Monitoring (FIM)

Tracks changes to critical system files, configuration files, and application binaries

User Activity Monitoring

Monitors user activities on host systems, including login attempts, file access, and command execution. It helps administrators detect unauthorized or suspicious behavior by users.

Endpoint Security

Provides continuous monitoring and protection for individual devices, such as workstations, servers, and mobile devices.

Rootkit Detection

Includes rootkit detection capabilities that identify and remove hidden processes, files, and registry entries associated with rootkit infections, thereby restoring the integrity of the host system.

Forensic Analysis

Logs detailed information about security events and suspicious activities on host systems, which can be invaluable for forensic analysis and incident response

Compliance Monitoring

Supports regulatory compliance and industry standards adherence through robust monitoring and auditing capabilities


Agent-Based Deployment:

Operate through lightweight agents installed directly on individual host systems. This agent-based deployment model ensures comprehensive coverage across all endpoints, including servers, workstations, and mobile devices, without requiring complex network configurations.

ML-based anomaly detection

Leverages advanced algorithms to continuously learn and adapt to evolving threats, enabling proactive identification of abnormal behavior patterns indicative of potential security breaches, enhancing overall threat detection accuracy and efficacy.

Customized Rule Sets

Users can tailor rule sets specific to their organization's needs and compliance requirements. This customization ensures that the HIDS can effectively detect both known and emerging threats, enhancing overall security posture.

Ransomware Detection

Provides proactive monitoring and alerts for suspicious encryption activities, enabling rapid response to potential ransomware attacks and minimizing the impact on critical host systems.

Real-Time Alerts and Response

Swiftly reacts to detected threats as they occur, enabling immediate mitigation actions to be taken, thus minimizing the potential impact of security incidents on host systems and network infrastructure.

Next-Gen UEBA

Next-Gen UEBA integration elevates Z-HIDS by dynamically analyzing user and entity behaviors for advanced threat detection, providing unparalleled security efficacy.


Elevate security monitoring, ensuring real-time detection of suspicious activities for swift response to potential threats
Gain granular visibility into host systems, enabling precise detection of unauthorized access attempts at the individual level.
Ensure compliance adherence effortlessly by deploying Z-HIDS, meeting regulatory requirements and mitigating risks of penalties.
Minimize downtime and data loss through proactive intrusion detection, averting costly consequences of cyberattacks.
Conduct insightful forensic analysis leveraging the logs, facilitating thorough investigation and preventive measures post-security breaches.

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